Enver Özdemİr
Graduate Students (PhD)

Aybüke Hacıhasanoğlu
Post-Quantum Digital Signature and Authentication

Oylum Serİner
Group Authentication & Cryptography

Büşra Çayören
Privacy-Protected Authentication in Smart City

Ebru Adıgüzel
Computational Number Theory

Mahbub Dİlan Koyuncu Kaya
Decentralized Finance practices , Blockchain Technology ,Supply Chain Finance

Mustafa Oğuzhan Saçma
Post-quantum Cryptography, Cryptographic Algorithms and Implementations

Nİda Fİdan
Privacy Protection in Federated Learning

Kübra Kuru
Privacy Preserving Authentication Methods for Satellite Communication
Graduate Students (MSc)

Morteza Azmoudeh Afshar
Implementation of Simutaneous Authentication Methods

Ela TıĞlı
Secure Management of Digital Assets

Sİbel Kesİcİ
Authentication in Intelligent Public Transportation

Tolga Atacan Aras
Ddos Attacks in O-RAN

Halİl İbrahİm Kaplan

Nada Hejazi
Community and User Detection
Past Members/Completed Theses
Graduate Students (PhD)

Sueda Ruveyda Güzey
Group Authentication Methods

Kübra Narİ Baykal
Privacy-Preserving Authentication Methods

İbrahİm Çelİkbİlek
Computational Number theory, Lattice-Based Cryptography, Post-quantum Cryptography

Sena Efsun Cebecİ
Symmetric Encryption Techniques, E-Commerce Cecurity and Big Data Security (2022)

Barış Çelİktaş
Hierarchical Key Access Mechanism (2022)

Yücel Aydın
Network and Computer Security, Cryptography (2022)
Graduate Student (MSc)

Ertuğrul Alper
Network Security, Authentication

Uğur Ibrahİmov
Generating Synthetic Data for User Behavior Based Intrusion Detection Systems

Burak Yakar
Analyzing Individual Data for Detecting Insider Threat

Şükrü Erdal
A Privacy-Preserving Dolution for Federated Learning

Ayşenur Kumbasar
Cybersecurity, Cryptography

Selİn çağlar
Cryptography, Data security

Sevda Alİmadadnezhad
Implementation and analysis of key exchange methods in IoT collaborative learning environments

Tuğba Bekman
Blockchain applications, Consensus mechanisms

Mahbub Dİlan Koyuncu Kaya
Decentralized Finance Practices , Blockchain Technology ,Supply Chain Finance

Fİlİz Aksoy
Binary Quadratic Forms with Positive Discriminant

Veysel Gültekİn
Cryptanalysis of Lattice Based Cryptography

Nurana Verdİyeva
Authentication (2022)

Nouha Hejazİ
Machine Learning-Based Security Systems, Blockchain, Network security (2022)

Ahmad Mhaİsh
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (2022)

Anas Mhaİsh
Blockchain Applications for M2M Video Distribution (2022)

Hasan Çetİnkaya
Application of RSA and ELGAMAL Partial Homomorphic Crypto Yystem to Tax Payment System and Performance analysis of these applications (2019)

Sahadet Gülşah Hezer
Authentication Methods in Internet Banking System (2022)

Murat Selçuk Kayalar
Detection of the DNS tunneling attack traffic within DNS over HTTPS traffic (2021)

Kübra Narİ
Integer factorization method with superelliptic curves (2018)

Yücel Aydın
Network packet capturing for Windows operating system (2017)

Büşra Çayören
A new method for intra-firewall anomaly discovery (2021)

Ufuk Altun
Simultaneous transmission based communication techniques (2020)

Berrak Uzun
Key distribution with polynomial interpolation in quantum computers (2020)

Gözde Sarıkaya
The evaluation and comparison of primality testing algorithms (2019)

Denİz Kırlıdoğ
Computational methods for integer factorization (2019)

Aslıhan Akpınar
Storing biometric data via polynomial interpolation (2019)

An open-source, machine learning based intrusion detection system (2019)

Applying blockchain in exchanging data (2019)

Detection of sources being used on ddos attacks (2019)

Secure identification friendly aircraft (2019)

Secure video streaming using blockchain technology for mobile devices (2019)

Blockchain and secure electronic healthcare system (2018)

Database security risks, encryption algorithm and injection models (2017)

Analysis of network traffic, anomaly detection and evaluation (2017)