
Ongoing Works


A novel banking methodology will be designed to preserve the integrity of the existing banking system while safeguarding user privacy

A Hierarchical Key Assignment Scheme: A Unified Approach for Scalability and Efficiency

This study introduces a hierarchical key assignment scheme (HKAS) based on the closest vector problem in an inner product space (CVP-IPS).

Completed Works

A Privacy Preserving Authentication Scheme for Connected Autonomous Vehicles

In the work, an authentication and handover scheme targeting IoV devices is presented. The proposed scheme utilizes the emerging group authentication algorithms in an efficient way to authenticate IoV devices, which might need frequent authentications and handovers due to their mobile nature.

Square Root Computation Finite Fields

In this work, we have presented a general framework for well-known square root algorithms.

Detecting the DNS tunnelling attack traffic within DNS over HTTPS(DOH) traffics

The main motivation of this study is to investigate the DOH protocol features, and develop a new machine learning based approach which helps to detect the malicious DNS tunnelling traffic within DNS over HTTPS(DOH) traffics

Scalable Secret Key Generation for Wireless Sensor Networks

In this article, we propose a secret key generation method for wireless sensor networks by using the physical layer features. This key generation method is based on the superposition property of wireless channels. The proposed method exploits the multiple access property of the wireless channel with simultaneous transmissions as in the analog function computation technique to solve the latency and scarce bandwidth problems of highly populated dense networks.

Group Key Establishment Scheme

This work suggests the use of linear spaces for group authentication and key establishment for a group of any size. The approach with linear spaces introduces a reduced computation and communication load to establish a common shared key among the group members.

Secure Device-to-Device Caching with Blockchain

In this work, we present an effective scheme to provide security and integrity of network packets in caching and distribution systems by employing blockchain technology. Unlike the existing blockchain applications, the proposed protocol requires a lightweight consensus algorithm. Our scheme also allows peers in the network to make correctly addressed inquiries as the packets’ locations are kept in the blocks which are available to any peer in the network.

Authentication and Handover Challenges and Methods for Drone Swarms

In this work, we present a method where the time and the number of the communication for the authentication of a new drone joining the swarm are less than 5G NR. In addition, group-based handover solutions for the scenarios in which the base stations are terrestrial or mobile are proposed to overcome the scalability and latency issues in the 5G NR.

Strong Pseudo Primes to Base 2

In this work, we add an additional condition to strong pseudo prime test to base 2. We also provide theoretical and heuristics evidence showing that the resulting algorithm catches all composite numbers.

Secure E-Commerce Scheme

In the work, we propose a secure e-commerce scheme (SES) which alleviates the security threats on the side of e-commerce companies and reduces communication costs for all parties.

A Higher-Level Security Scheme for Key Access on Cloud Computing

In this work, we construct a key access management scheme that seamlessly transitions any hierarchical-like access policy to the digital medium. The proposed scheme allows any public cloud system to be used as a private cloud.

Group Handover for Drone-Mounted Base Stations

The proposed scheme provides a solution for the authentication of UxNB by the terrestrial BS. Additionally, a credential sharing phase for eachUE in handover is not required in the proposed method.

Factoring polynomials over finite fields

In this paper, we describe a new polynomial factorization algorithm over finite fields with odd characteristics. The main ingredient of the algorithm is special singular curves. The algorithm relies on the extension of the Mumford representation and Cantor’s algorithm to these special singular curves.

Authenticated Data Transmission Using Analog Function Computation

Conventional analog function computation (AFC) is an effective data aggregation technique that combines communication and computation to improve time efficiency and scalability. In this letter, different from the conventional AFC, we study distinguishing individual observations from the aggregated data by including unique prime identifiers to pre-processing functions.

A Flexible and Lightweight Group Authentication Scheme

In this article, we propose a lightweight GAS that significantly reduces energy consumption on devices, providing almost 80% energy savings when compared to the state-of-the-art solutions. Our approach is also resistant to the replay and man-in-the-middle attacks. The proposed approach also includes a solution for key agreement and key distribution problems in mMTC environments.

A Hybrid Key Generation and a Verification Scheme

In this article, by jointly using PHY key generation with an embedded key, we propose a hybrid key generation and key verification scheme, where the revealed information during the key verification process is negligible, and the verified keys are identical.

A Key Verification Protocol for Quantum Key Distribution

We propose a block-based key verification protocol that relies on Newton's polynomial interpolation

Error Performance Analysis of Random Network Coded Cooperation Systems

This paper presents a framework for computing successful decoding probability of random network coding (RNC) in wireless networks. As cooperation emerges due to the naturally occurring broadcasting in wireless links, the application of RNC in wireless networks enables random network coded cooperation (RNCC).

Compositeness test with nodal curves

In this work, we present a use of nodal curves to detect the compositeness of a given odd integer n ≡ 1 mod 4. The method relies on the extension of Mumford representation and Cantor's algorithm for special singular curves.

A relation between embedding degrees and class numbers of binary quadratic forms

In this paper, we describe a relation between the embedding degreeof an elliptic curve over a prime field F_p and the inertial degree of the primesabovepin a certain ring class field. From this relation, we conclude that theembedding degree divides the class number of a group of binary quadraticforms of a fixed discriminant.

Computing Square Roots in Finite Fields

In this work, we describe a new method for computingsquare roots infinitefields with odd characteristic.


We describe a new method for constructing irreducible polynomials modulo a prime number p. The method mainly relies on Chebotarev’s density theorem.


In the paper, we present an approach for detecting sources of Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks with the help of our novel, machine learning-based, intrusion detection system.